Just as Apple brings us iPad 2, RIM finally reveals pricing and release information for the BlackBerry PlayBook and Samsung unveils new designs and lower price points for a couple of new Galaxy Tabs.
The 7-inch PlayBook Wi-Fi, which is available for order now from retailers like BestBuy and will be in stores on April 19, matches the iPad 2’s storage and price points with 16GB, 32GB or 64GB at $499, $599 and $699. Do the features make the smaller size worth the same price? (And does the BlackBerry logo on the bezel annoy you as much as it does Rene?)
The Android Honeycomb Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wi-Fi, which is actually going to be cheaper than the iPad 2 at 16GB and 32GB for $469 and $569, and the Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wi-Fi, which is the same price at 16GB and 32GB for $499 and $599. Oh, and both are thinner than the iPad 2 at only 8.6mm (Oh yes, it’s on!)
Interestingly, Samsung is one of Apple’s largest manufacturing partners. Now that they’re competing so directly with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, could we see Apple try to separate themselves the way they did with Google after the Android launch, or is Samsung too big and too important for Apple to even think about cutting the cord?
Galaxy Tab video after the break. Watch it and let us know what you think, has the competition caught up faster than Apple expected, or are they still bringing specs to an experience fight?
[CrackBerry.com, Android Central]
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