Exodus International recently launched an app that has the general public and LGBT community in an uproar. The app basically contains a lot of the same information Exodus International has on their website. They focus on individuals who want help dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction. I know many churches and organizations that like to have apps so their members can have easy access to their content.
Most of our readers around TiPb are aware that I am openly gay. While the LGBT community continues to urge people to sign a petition for this app to be removed from the App Store, I personally don’t think Apple should be forced to remove this app. That may surprise a lot of people, considering my sexual orientation. To me, Exodus International is simply providing information on their organization. How is this different from a church having a general app in the App Store? Atheists aren’t forced to download it. If Apple made us have this app on our phones stock, that would be a completely different story. The App Store approval process should not be made political or ethical.
I respect other people’s life choices and religious views, all I ask if they do the same in return. Removing this app would basically say that we do not live in a society where everyone can have a voice. There may be some controversy over some of Exodus’ practices but that really is no concern of Apple’s. Jeff Buchanan, Exodus International’s Senior Director of Church Equipping & Student Ministries had this to say to the Christian Post in an official statement,
“We want to ask that there would be fair and equal representation of religious belief on this platform as is already existing. We would like the spirit of diversity and tolerance that is so valued within the LGBT community.”
I personally agree with his statement. After looking over the app, I see no reason why Apple should be forced to pull it. It does not slander or condone negative treatment of gays. It simply provides their information and content for anyone that wants it. What do you guys think? Should Apple be forced to remove it?
[ABC News, The Christian Post]
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