domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Apple Nixing Boxed MobileMe, Removing Purchase Option from Site

posted by Trey Trawick on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 11:19 pm.

The ability to purchase MobileMe has all but disappeared from the ethers. It seems that Apple is planning to make some major changes to the service (read: make it free), to allow it to compete with certain alternatives. Boxed editions of MobileMe have been removed from brick-and-mortar stores, and the ability to buy it online has vanished. Users can still start a free trial, so it looks like Apple is simply attempting to prevent users from paying for something that will soon become either much less expensive, or completely free. Similarly, Apple removed last-gen MacBooks from its site a few days before the new models were released.

Apple has confirmed that its North Carolina data center will be used for iTunes and MobileMe, so it is clear that a surge in users (or data usage) is expected.


View the original article here

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