viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

SHAtter, Limera1n Patched in iPad 2

MuscleNerd and the gang have confirmed that those meddling Apple engineers have patched both the SHAtter and Limera1n vulnerabilities in the iPad 2. Other exploits are being worked on, but p0sixninja has tweeted that “the exploit is very complicated, so I’m not positive. But things aren’t looking good. I’m still optimistic though“.


Confirmed: limera1n is patched in iPad 2.


Early testing also seems to show at least one thing SHAtter depends on was gone by March 2010 too :(

This means any early iPad2 jailbreaks will have to be purely userland

This means that hackers will need to start from scratch and find a brand-new vulnerability in order to jailbreak the iPad 2. An untethered userland jailbreak will likely be released first, possibly followed by an untethered jailbreak sometime in the future.

View the original article here

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